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353 87 060 6179


Cupping Therapy
Better Results

Welcome To Dr. Acu Herbs- Your One-Stop Destination For Relaxation & Wellness

Relaxation and relief await at Dr. Acu Herbs - a haven of calm dedicated to helping you regain your health, energy, and balance. Located in Santry, Dublin 9, Ireland, we have been serving this community with quality services ever since the inception of our establishment.

Contact Us

Our skilled Treatment therapists provide top-notch care that starts the moment you arrive, offering services tailored to meet any therapeutic need, from tranquility-seeking relaxation sessions to deep tissue treatments for chronic pain. Experience stress reduction on another level with quality capabilities combined with our flexible scheduling options!

At Dr. Acu Herbs, we're here to help you break the patterns that lead up to your pain and provide long-term relief. Through a thorough assessment process, our therapists will identify where your aches come from and customize treatment for maximum results. Let us get to the root of what's causing discomfort in your life - so you can recapture comfort!


Why Choose Dr. Acu Herbs?

Our venture has been an incredible success, and we owe it all to the immense dedication of our valued customers. We want to express profound gratitude for your loyal patronage, as each one played a pivotal part in helping us reach this remarkable height! The door of Dr. Acu Herbs is open to anyone looking for custom massage therapy! 

Advanced Proven Procedures
Most Effective Treatment
With a Touch of Kindness
Certified Therapist
Friendly Atmosphere
Individual Approach
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Different Services We Offer To Meet Your Different Needs

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and well-being with Dr. Acu Herbs’ holistic & bespoke services. Our carefully designed treatments are tailored to your individual needs, ensuring you receive targeted care that delves deeper into body transformation than ordinary procedures can achieve. It is time to recognize the difference massage therapies can make. Visit us to find out how an exquisite nurturing touch from us can make all the difference!

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